Donate Now
Donate Your Fidya With RHI Today!
Fidya is the cost of feeding one needy person each day. Your Fidya donation can make a tremendous impact on the lives of the world’s most vulnerable people. You can feed a fasting individual a nourishing meal for Suhoor and Iftar by fulfilling this obligation.
Other Donation Methods
Check by Mail
Checks payable to: Relieve Humanity International Inc.
Mail to: 2522 TRILLIUM VIEW DR, GRAYSON, GA, 30017-1448
Direct Bank Deposit (Wells Fargo)
Account Name: Relieve Humanity International Inc.
Bank: Wells Fargo
Account number: 7330572913
Routing numbers:
Direct deposits & electronic payments: 061000227
Domestic wire transfers: 121000248
International wire transfers: WFBIUS6S