Zakat Al Fitr
Zakat Al Fitr (Fitrana)
Zakat Al Fitr, also known as (Fitrana) is an obligation upon every Muslim, grown-up or child regardless of gender, as long as they have what is sufficient to feed them for a day or longer. The head of the family pays for every single member of the family. You can start giving Zakat Al Fitr in Ramadan, and it must be completed before the Eid Ul Fitr prayers are conducted; failing to do so invalidates your Zakat.
Your contributions have helped relieve the suffering of our Muslim brothers and sisters in both Somalia/Somaliland and Pakistan. Scroll down to see your Zakat Al Fitr at work!
Check by Mail
Checks payable to: Relieve Humanity International Inc.
Mail to: 2522 TRILLIUM VIEW DR, GRAYSON, GA, 30017-1448
Direct Bank Deposit (Wells Fargo)
Account Name: Relieve Humanity International Inc.
Bank: Wells Fargo
Account number: 7330572913
Direct deposits & electronic payments: 061000227
Domestic wire transfers: 121000248
International wire transfers: WFBIUS6S