Shifa Medical & Welfare Clinic
Free Medical Centre, Orangi, Karachi
The Shifa Medical and Welfare Clinic in Karachi offers a wide range of medical services to the local community, including the largest slum area. Over 300,000 patients have been served, but the clinic is facing financial challenges due to the high demand for medical care and services.
Help Provide Emergency Medical Aid Today!
Help vulnerable communities receive essential healthcare and create lasting change by contributing today. Your generous donations WILL make a difference!
Gulshan Ziya, Orangi Town, Karachi, Pakistan
July, 2012
Over 300,000 Family Treated
Qualified For
Sadaqa, Zakat
Other Donation Methods
Check by Mail
Checks payable to: Relieve Humanity International Inc.
Mail to: 2522 TRILLIUM VIEW DR, GRAYSON, GA, 30017-1448
Direct Bank Deposit (Wells Fargo)
Account Name: Relieve Humanity International Inc.
Bank: Wells Fargo
Account number: 7330572913
Routing numbers:
Direct deposits & electronic payments: 061000227
Domestic wire transfers: 121000248
International wire transfers: WFBIUS6S